Etiquetas básicas

EM,TICx,PDL,Matemática,Historia,Geografía,Ciencias,Naturales,ELT,Literature,Drama,Writing,Francés,Construción de Ciudadanía,History,Arte,Educación Física,1°sec 2019

lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

My opinion of the war

I will end the war because it is bad and it makes a lot of serious problems like lot of damage in the places that there are fighting that can destroy cities or mini poblations where inocent people live and they do not do nothing.In the wars,there a lot of hurt people,people that lost their lives,commandants who obligate children of 16 years to went there.So what we can solve this problem is with the "word", it is simple but is very important.Other way is to no be stupid people that think that the only resolution of a simple problem is fighting.