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martes, 10 de abril de 2018

An anecdote

An anecdote                       
“The secret party”
  A day in New York, in a school a child of 6a named Timmy            wanted to make a super secret party in an abandoned street . He told about it to all his friends and then he went to his house.He was a normal boy Like everybody else. He liked bread with dulce de leche and a sweet milk with chocolate for breakfast.Then he played with his tablet for two hours.At dinner he told his mother the idea for next day.His mother told him “no”, because the following day she and his father were going to go to Valeria del Mar.He felt very angry and he cried like a baby so he went to his room.
    The next day he went to the school sadly. All his friends asked him what happened to him and the secret party.Timmy didn’t say anything and they felt miserable.In the break time he told them what happened and the idea.
     All his friends were angry and disappointed,their eyes were on fire.Then the friends went to the other side of the playgroumd.In the following classes,when he asked for a pencil none of his friends didn’t give one to him.Then they told to their parents.They called the police and immediately they went to Timmy’s house.Timmy wasn’t in his house...He had disappeared!!
         They looked all around the country and he didn’t appear.His parents were very sad.Timmy know all this because he was in the abandoned street.Then he went to his house.On the way he saw an old person.The old person looked at Timmy,he looked very worried.The old man said to Timmy what happened.Timmy told him and the man said:
     “Don’t make jokes and don’t care what your friends say,they are more stupid after you!”exclaimed the old man. Timmy understood it and then was happy.